President of the United States into the 16th, Abraham Lincoln, one of the most famous and impressive political figure who once owned the United States - or any country as well. Well, if it does, because what he is not included in the list of the main sequence? Do not release 3.5 million bondsman a masterpiece?
Indeed so. But if we look back, will be seen that strength around the world are struggling irresistible by any force to eliminate all forms of slavery. Many countries had abolished the system of slavery even before Lincoln's reign, and within fifty-five years after his death, most countries do so. The most can be appreciated from the work of Lincoln is to accelerate the process in a country, the United States.
However, the work of Lincoln's greatest service is to maintain the unity of the United States faced attempt secession states south of the country. For this act alone he is entitled to be included in the list order this book.
However, through Lincoln's election was the one who so because the separation of the states south of it. And certainly not the North would also failed to win a civil war if people other than Lincoln became president. And above all, the North opened the battle with the superior of capital, looking from the corner of the population and also greater in the industry.
Even if the North did not win the war, on the whole course of history will not experience major changes. The link language, religion, culture and trade between North and South is so tightly they would unite also. If the split lasted for twenty years, or put, fifty years, it was only a minor event in world history. (Worthy of note that even without the South, the United States now remains the fourth largest populated country in the world, and will remain the most leading industrial countries).
Does this mean that Lincoln did not figure at all important? Absolutely not. His career has profound influence on millions of people in one generation. However, he has not been equal importance as Mahavira whose influence continued for centuries.


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