Italian political philosopher, Niccolo Machiavelli, famous for the frank advice that a ruler who wanted to remain in power and strengthen his power must use guile, cunning and deceit, coupled with the use of cruel use of force.

Condemned many people as the bastard did not bennoral, revered by others as genuine realist who dared to expose to the world as it is, Machiavelli was one of the few authors whose work is so close to the study of both philosophers and politicians.

Machiavelli was born in 1469 in Florence, Italy. His father, a lawyer, considered a leading member of the family, but not so located.

During Machiavelli's lifetime - at the peak-peak Renaissance Italy - Italy is divided in small countries, in contrast to a united country such as France, Spain or England. Because it is not surprising that in his time Italy was militarily weak but brilliant in terms of culture.

At the time the young Machiavelli, Florence was ruled by the famous Medici ruler, Lorenzo is commendable. But Lorenzo died in 1492, and several years later expelled the Medici rulers of Florence, Florence became a republic (Florentine Republic) and in 1498, Machiavelli who was twenty-nine years obtained a higher rank in the civil administration Florence. Over the past fourteen years after that he served the Florentine Republic and engage in various diplomatic missions on his behalf, to travel to France, Germany, and Italy in the country.

In 1512, the Florentine Republic was overthrown and the Medici rulers re-hold the reins of power, Machiavelli was dismissed from his position, and the following year he was arrested for alleged involvement in a plot against the Medici rulers. He was tortured but survived declared not guilty and was released in that year. After that he retired and lived on a small farm in San Casciano not far from Florence.

Over the past fourteen years after that, he wrote several books, two of the most famous is The Prince, (The Prince) was written in 1513, and The Discourses upon the First Ten Books of Titus Livius (Discussion of the first ten books of Titus Livius). Among other works are The art of war (the art of war), A History of Florence (Florentine history) and La Mandragola (a good drama, sometimes people are still staged.) But essentially the work of the famous is The Prince (The Prince), perhaps the most brilliant ever written and is most easily read of all philosophical writings. Machiavelli married and had six children. He died in 1527 at the age of fifty-eight.

The Prince may be considered the most important practical advice for one to the state. The basic mind this book is, for a success, a prince should ignore moral considerations entirely and rely on all, things on the strength and cunning. Machiavelli emphasized above all else the most important is a country must be well armed. He argues the only armies that are required from citizens themselves who can be trusted; countries that rely on mercenaries or soldiers of other countries is weak and dangerous.

Machiavelli advises the Prince for to support the population, because if not, he does not have a source of trouble. Of course, Machiavelli understood that sometimes a new ruler, to strengthen his power, must do something to secure his power, was forced to do unpleasant citizens. He suggested, though so to win something the state, the conqueror must arrange cruelty step at a time so no need they experience every day leeway should be given little by little so that they can feel happy. "

To achieve success, a prince must be surrounded by ministers who are able and faithful: Machiavelli's Prince warned to stay away from sycophants and asked what opinion is worth doing.

In chapter 17 of The Prince, Machiavelli discuss whether a prince that's better be hated or loved.

Machiavelli writes: "... The answer is that people should be feared and loved at the same time. ... But safer feared than loved, if we must choose one. The reason, love is bound by obligations that makes a person selfish, and bond It will end when dealing with their interests. ... But the fear is driven by fear punishment, never missed ... "

Chapter 18, entitled "The way how a prince holding the belief." Here Machiavelli said: "... a ruler who must be careful not to hold beliefs if the work was contrary to its interests ..." He added, "Since there is no official basis blaming a prince who apologized because he did not fulfill his promise," because "... man it was so simple and easy to comply with the requirements needed at the time, and that one who cheats will always find people who allow themselves deceived. " As a natural result of that view, Machiavelli advises the Prince to be constantly vigilant against the promises of others.

The Prince (The Prince) is often dubbed the "user's guide to the dictator." Machiavelli's career and various writings indicate that in general he tends to the republican form of government than dictatorship. But he was anxious and worried about the political and military weakness of Italy, and longs for a Prince of a powerful country that can manage and drive foreign troops destructive and despised his country. Interesting to note, though a Prince Machiavelli advocated for such actions cruel and cynical, he is himself an idealist and a patriot, and not so able to practice it himself what he is proposing.

Few political philosophers such diganyang acutely experienced by Machiavelli. For years, he cursed like a derivative of the devil, and his name is used as a synonym for duplicity and cunning. (Not infrequently, the bitterest curse to come from those who actually practice the teachings of Machiavelli, a hypocrisy which may principally be approved also by Machiavelli)!

These criticisms are thrown into the face of Machiavelli than moral grounds is not, of course, shows that he has no effect at all. A more direct criticism is alleged objection that his idea was not specifically out of his own head. Not original! It's a bit much have a point. Machiavelli repeatedly asked that he did not propose anything new, but merely shows the techniques that have been implemented by the Princes earlier with great success. Reality show Machiavelli unrelenting while describing his proposal to sample the greatness-greatness that never happened in the days past, or from events in Italy are somewhat renewal. Cesare Borgia (which is being touted by Machiavelli in The Prince) is not to learn the tactics of Machiavelli, on the contrary, Machiavelli who learned from him.

Although Benito Mussolini was one of the few political leaders who had publicly praised Machiavelli, because it is no doubt a large number of prominent political figures have never read The Prince carefully. It is said that Napoleon always sleep on the pillow tucked beneath her book The Prince, as well as they say carried out by Hitler and Stalin. However, it is not apparent that Machiavelli is more commonly used tactic in modern politics than in the period before The Prince was published. This is the main reason why Machiavelli is not placed higher than the place now in this book.

However, if effect, Machiavelli's thought in political practice is not so clear, its influence in political theory does not need to be debated. Previous writers such as Plato and St. Augustine, has linked politics with ethics and theology. Machiavelli discussed the history and politics entirely in terms of human and ignore moral considerations. The central problem, he says, is not how people should behave, rather than who should be in power, but how real people can gain power. Political theory is discussed today in a way more realistic than ever before without minimize the significance of the influence of Machiavelli. This person can properly be considered one of the important founders of modern political thinkers.


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